
  • Company Name GA Partners Co., Ltd.
  • Establishment March 2021
  • Address Raffiné Azabu-Juban 701, 1-2-7 Azabu-Juban, Minato-ku, Tokyo
  • Business establishment Comprehensive development consulting company
    Real estate sales and development partner company
  • Inquiry info@gapartners.com
  • Capital 67,500,000 yen
  • Representative Kuniaki Ozaki
    Since his childhood, he lived in Belgium, Norway, and India due to his father's circumstances.
    After high school, he attended a private all-boys school in Hyogo Prefecture and spent his days studying.
    While studying architecture at the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, he served as captain of the Shorinji Kempo sports club.
    He started trading stocks and FX because he felt that "money knowledge" that was familiar with all fields was needed in all fields. Later, while attending school to study business management, he founded THE PERS, an architectural drawing production company (currently Architech Co., Ltd.). After graduating from the Master's Program in Architecture at the top of his class, he joined Goldman Sachs Securities. He is engaged in algo trading of Asian stocks in the stock department.
    Many Japanese people today are forced to buy products that are not suitable for banks, securities, and insurance due to their lack of financial literacy, and we are now in an era where there is a need for "independent financial advisors who are close to individuals." I was confident that it would come and became independent in 2020. In the same year, he established GA Partners Co., Ltd. in March 2021 after consulting for corporations and consulting on personal asset improvement for 200 people.